Ozone layer:
Want to know about Ozone layer? Here is the best platform for you.Get maximum details about ozone. Here you will know about ozone layer, Importance of ozone layer and effects of ozone layer depletion.
Introduction of ozone:
Ozone is an allotropic form of oxygen. Three molecules of oxygen combined and form triatomic oxygen that is called ozone. It’s chemical formula is O3. Ozone is very crucial for us. It protects us from ultraviolet rays of sun.
Definition of ozone layer:
The layer around the earth in atmosphere which protects the earth from dangerous ultraviolet radiations of the sun is called ozone.
Importance of ozone:
• In the absence of ozone life is nearly not possible on earth.
• Plants cannot grow and live in the absence of ozone because ultraviolet radiation are very harmful for living organisms. Without plants there will on food and oxygen available on earth. Therefore life cannot be possible
• Ozone layer also help to reduce temperature.
Ozone depletion:
Ozone layer is depleting continuously day by day. The holes are generating day by day in ozone layer. The hole in ozone layer was discovered first time in 1985 in Antarctica.
Causes of ozone depletion:
• We are polluting the atmosphere continuously day by day due to which ozone layer is becoming weak.
Effects of ozone layer depletion:
• If ozone layer depleted the ultraviolet radiation of sun will pass through atmosphere to earth and causes many human diseases such as skin cancer, immune deficiency disorders and eye contracts.
• Ultraviolet radiation causes muscles constriction and trapping air in alveoli.
• Phytoplankton dies in the presence of ultraviolet radiations and the result of which productivity of fish decreases.
Protection of ozone layer:
• By avoiding the use of gases dangerous for ozone layer such as CFCs, halocarbon refrigerants, solvents and propellants.
• Avoid from using of cleaning products which harm to environment and ozone
• Reduces air pollution so that atmosphere remains clean and safe.
Ozone layer is very important for us. So we can make efforts to protect ozone layer from depletion. We can protect the ozone layer by the methods Discuss in this article.

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