Natural resources | Importance of Natural resources

Natural resources | Importance of Natural resources

 Natural resources | Importance of Natural resources

 Natural resources: 

Want to know about Natural resources? What are most important Natural resources? What are types of Natural resources?
Here is the best platform for all your questions. Find complete details about natural resources their definition, types, importance, causes of  depletion, effects of their depletion and their protection.


The resources which we obtain from the nature and cannot be generated by artificial methods are called natural resources

Importance of natural resources:

• Natural resources are used to support life. 
• They used to meet the needs of people.

Natural resources

Importance of natural resources

Types of natural resources

Types of natural resources

Natural resources

Types of natural resources:

Natural resources are of two types which are followings;

Renewable resource:

The resources those can be generated again after their depletion are called renewable resources. These include Air, Sunlight, soil and water.

• Non Renewable resources:

The resources those can not be generated again after their depletion are called  renewable resources. These include oil, coal, natural gas, metals, stones and sand.

 Depletion of natural resources:

Natural resources are continuously depleted because we are using them without any proper management. We are using them in over amount than their requirements. If we use natural resources continuously without any proper management than a time will come when natural resources will deplete completely and we’ll not be able to generate them again in future.

Depletion of natural resources

Depletion of natural resources

Causes of depletion of natural resources:

• Overuse of natural resources:

Over use of natural resources means use them in a very large amount than the biosphere generates. Natural resources are depleted day by day because we are using them in over amount.

Misuse of natural resources:

Misuse of natural resources means use them improperly. We are using them without proper management. We are using them on the places where there is no need to use them. For example we use rivers and lakes for the absorption of industrial effluents. We use wood for household fuel.


Pollution is the main cause of depletion of natural resources. Air pollution pollutes the clean air and make it harmful for living organisms. It causes acid rain that destroys the trees, building and pollutes water of lakes, rivers and oceans. Water pollution pollutes the lakes, rivers and oceans and causes the destruction of aquatic life. Soil pollution decreases the fertilty of soil and affects the growth of plants.

• Radioactive wastes:

The wastes that contain radioactive materials are called radioactive wastes. These are produced by rare-earth minigs, nuclear power plants and by the nuclear reactions in the industries. Radioactive materials are harmful for living organisms. Radioactive wastes cause the emission huge amount of carbon dioxide into atmosphere. Carbon dioxide pollutes the atmosphere and causes greenhouse effect and global warming. Radioactive wastes can cause cancer in humans. They cause genetic mutations in animals and plants. Radioactive wastes are released into streams, rivers and oceans by the chemical industries suppress the growth of aquatic life and cause their destruction.  

• Deforestation:

Deforestation is the process of cutting of trees. We are cutting trees continuously for household fuel, roads, construction of buildings and other public places.

• Agrochemicals:

The chemicals or products that are used in agriculture are called Agrochemicals. Such as insecticide, fungicides, fertilizers and pesticides. They are the causes of depletion of natural resources. Pesticides and insecticide contaminate in underground water and flow with underground water to river, lakes and Oceans. They pollute them and make them poisonous for human and other life. Excessive use of fertilizers causes the contamination of nitrates and other harmful chemicals into underground water and make it poisonous to human and animals.

Effects of depletion of natural resources:

Soil erosion:

The process of deterioration of soil gradually due to the removal of particles and materials from the soil is called soil erosion. Deforestation is the main cause of soil erosion. The roots of trees hold the soil strongly. When trees are cut down the soil cannot be strongly hold that results soil erosion. Soil erosion diminishes the  fertilty of soil.

• Loss of biodiversity:

The term  that describes all the varieties of life on earth including all levels from genes to ecosystem, evolutionary changes, variations and all the ecological processes is called biodiversity. Depletion of natural resources causes loss in biodiversity. Depletion of natural resources causes changes in the climate of earth that is a big threat to biodiversity. The habitats of wild life are diminishing due to depletion of natural resources

• Extinction of species:

The death of all members of a particular species of living organisms is called extinction of species. The habitats of wild life are diminishing due to depletion of natural resources that cause extinction of that species. Deforestation is the main causes of extinction of species.

• Drought:

The term that describes the condition of dryness and  prolonged shortage of water supply is called drought. It remains from weeks to months. Depletion of natural resources cause the shortage of water that results in drought.

Change in climate:

The average weather conditions in a given long period of time is called climate. Depletion of natural resources causes changes in the climate of earth that is a big threat to biodiversity. 

• Artificial methods of energy:

After the depletion of natural resources we have to use artificial methods for the production of energy, food, fuel and raw materials that are used in the manufacturing of goods. Theses artificial resources of energy are highly costly. The under developed countries are not able to afford them.

Protection of natural resources:

• Promote Afforestation

• Improve recycling system

• Drive less

• Use energy more renewable

• More efficient use of electricity

• Conserve water

• Use energy savers instead of high energy consuming bulbs

Protection of natural resources

Protection of natural resources


Natural resources are very important for us. No one can ignore the importance of natural resources. So we protect the natural resources by the methods discuss above in this model.

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