Ramadan Kareem 2022:
Want to know about Ramadan? What is the first day of Ramadan?
Here is the best platform for all your questions. Find complete details about Ramadan.
Ramadan is an Islamic Holy month of Muslims. It is the most important month for Muslims. Ramadan is a period of communal prayer(Salat) in the Masjid and tilawat of Holy Quran. Allah forgives the past sins of the Muslims who observe this Holy month of Ramadan with Fasting, Prayer and Faithful intention.Ramadan is a month of patience in which Muslims go hungry and thirsty all day long for Allah. Ramadan is the ninth month of Islamic calender. This month is observed by Muslims in prayer and Fasting.
First day of Ramadan:
The first day of Ramadan 2022 in Pakistan is April 3, Sunday.
Importance of Ramadan:
• Ramadan is a Holy month of devotion, fasting and forgiving.
• In Ramadan Muslims get close to Allah.
• In Ramadan the gates of heaven are opened and the gates of hell are closed.
• The Holy Quran began to be revealed in Ramadan on our last prophet Hazrat Muhammad (ﷺ)when Muhammad (ﷺ) was forty years old.
• The Holy night Lailat-al-Qadr, the Night of Power, marks the night in which the Holy Quran was first revealed to our last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (ﷺ) by Allah through the angel Gabriel. It is believed to have taken place on one of the 10 final nights of Ramadan, though the exact night is not known (unclear).
• In Ramadan Muslims get close to Allah.
• In Ramadan the gates of heaven are opened and the gates of hell are closed.
• The Holy Quran began to be revealed in Ramadan on our last prophet Hazrat Muhammad (ﷺ)when Muhammad (ﷺ) was forty years old.
• The Holy night Lailat-al-Qadr, the Night of Power, marks the night in which the Holy Quran was first revealed to our last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (ﷺ) by Allah through the angel Gabriel. It is believed to have taken place on one of the 10 final nights of Ramadan, though the exact night is not known (unclear).
• In Ramadan Fasting is the fourth pillar among the five pillar of Islam.
• In Ramadan Muslims observe I'tikaaf in the 10 days of this Holy month.
• In Ramadan Fasting create Taqwa in Muslims.
• In Ramadan Muslims perform actions those please Allah and avoid from the actions those displease Allah.
Ramadan is the most importanonth for Muslims. So we should respect this Holy month. We should observe it in prayer and tilawat of the Holy Quran.
Ramadan Kareem 2022
March 28, 2022

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