“The main way for a rich man to be healthy is by exercise and forbearance, to live as though he were poor.”
What is Health?
Health means the state of being free from injury or illness.
According to the World Health Organization,“Health or Well-being is a state of complete physical, mental and social prosperity and not simply the absence of sickness and infirmity”.
What is Fitness?
Fitness means the state of being healthy and physically fit.
Physical fitness is a state of health and prosperity. “Physics fitness or Wellness is the capacity to perform aspects of sports, daily activities and occupations”. Physical fitness is generally accomplished through appropriate nutrition, moderate-vigorous physical activities, and adequate rest along with a formal recuperation plan.
Health and fitness assist a person to live a decent and healthy life. Frequently due to various tensions at personal and professional level, people tend to ignore their health. This makes their body to endure and they catch up with lifestyle and other sicknesses. It is the fitness level of their body which prepare them to fight with these diseases. If they are fit then they are able to conquer these sicknesses or else they end up being victims of a modern lifestyle.
Some examples of Health and Fitness are brisk jogging, walking, swimming, and biking etc.
We may have a tendency to get a cold effortlessly. This doesn’t not imply that we are not healthy. It implies that our fitness levels are not according to our age and the climatic circumstances we live in. Everything relies upon our health which in turn depends on our fitness levels. So fitness and health move together.
Physical fitness is the state of our body in light of our age, climatic circumstances we live in, our lifestyle and our functioning circumstances. Taking exercise is essential for physical fitness. Exercise and physical fitness relates with each other.
One can see individuals having incredible fitness levels even in older age. For instance, each morning in various parks you see two kinds of old people. One who is simply meditating and sitting at one unobtrusively enjoying the fresh air while the others who are running or walking energetically on tracks. They can actually compete with the young people on the track. These are two kinds of fitness levels at the similar age. Everything revolves around how we keep fit ourselves.
“Exercise is work without tiredness”.
Physical fitness is a general state of health and prosperity and, more explicitly, the capacity to perform occupations, aspects of sports and daily activities. Physical fitness is generally accomplished through appropriate nutrition, moderate-energetic physical exercise, physical work , and sufficient rest. Before the modern revolution, fitness was defined as the ability to carry out the day’s activities without unjustifiable fatigue.
But, with automation and changes in lifestyles physical fitness is presently considered as a measure of the body’s ability to function effectively and efficiently in work and recreation activities, to be healthy, to resist hypokinetic sicknesses, and to meet emergency circumstances.
Relation between Health and Fitness:
Health and fitness are interrelated to one another. We should be fit to have a healthy body. Essentially, if we are healthy we shall naturally be drawn in towards maintaining the fitness of our body. Health is the state of body at a given time. We may not have any sickness but still, have a frail body which is ready to be targeted by a number of microbes and viruses.
“Our developing softness, our rising lack of physical fitness, is a danger to our security”.
Diminished fitness because of ill health, like poor health can result in an inability to prepare lowers fitness. Expanded fitness despite ill health, like unhealthy but able to prepare increases fitness.
Difference between health and fitness:
- Fitness is a result of general nourishment and legitimate conditioning, and fitness is the state of general mental and physical prosperity.
- Health is a much extensive term and will vary from one person to another. People describe themselves as healthy but that will rely upon their description of what they feel healthy.
- Fitness frequently represents high-energy and strength-building programs. However, health incorporates so much more than endurance or physical strength.
- Regenerative techniques for instance meditation, breathing activities, yoga and relaxation are an integral part of the interaction.
- Health has numerous aspects like mental, physical and emotional and fitness is the physical part of health
- Being healthy does not merely mean freeness from disease or infirmity as a person’s emotional and social well being also contribute significantly to his health.
- Fitness is measurable while health is not measurable.
- “There’s a lot of individuals in this world who invest so much time in watching their health that they haven’t the moment to enjoy it.”
- Majority of people believe that being fit and being healthy are one and the same. In reality, they are discrete states of physical being. People can be really fit, but not really healthy, and they can be really healthy, but not really fit. Best benefits are found with attempting to get a balance out of both sides, this expects us to identify the difference between health and fitness.
- Our adaptability, strength, and perseverance together constitute our fitness.
- Our ability to do physical activities reflects the level of our fitness, however to be healthy, all one requirements is the ability to perform proactive tasks in daily life efficiently and effectively.
- Having both fitness and health is desirable but having the fitness at the expense of health is certainly not desirable.
- You can prepare to be fit, however you can’t prepare to be healthy
- Being fit doesn’t mean you are healthy.
We must respect the body Allah has given us and deal with it in a decent manner. We must disregard ourselves for the sake of work and other various activities in our daily life. It is important to comprehend that we can perform our obligations in life properly just we focus on health and fitness levels of our body. Otherwise, although we need to do something but our body don’t support us. Thus we may not able to achieve our objectives in life.
It is not essentially to be an athlete to have a decent body. Each person in the world needs a healthy and fit body so as to avoid from disease and have a healthy and long life. Moreover, we must recollect our significance for our families and society.

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