Article on pollution

Article on pollution

Article on pollution


Want to know about pollution?
Here is the best platform for you. Find complete details of pollution.Here you will know definition, causes, effects and control of pollution.


Any substance or material that create negative changes in the environment is called pollutant and the overall process of polluting the environment is called pollution. Pollution creates many serious problems that damage environment as well as the living organisms of it. 

Types of pollution:

There are many types of pollution in which the details of some of them are followings;



1. Air pollution:

Any substance or material that create negative changes in the atmosphere is called air pollutant and the overall process of polluting of atmosphere is called air pollution.





Causes of air pollution:

• The smoke release from industries and factories
• CFCs gasses release from Refrigerators and and Airconditioners
• Burning of fossil fuels
• The microbial decaying proces of organisms
• The solid and liquid particles called aerosols.

Effects of air pollution:

• Acid rain

• Global warming

• Greenhouse effect

• Heart disease

• Respiratory disease

• Lung cancer

• Birth defects

Control of air pollution:

• Releasing the smoke of factories and industries after filtration
• Avoid from open burning garbage , leaves and other materials
• Use public transport instead of own cars.
• Use fans instead of air conditioner

2. Soil pollution:

Any substance or material that make negative changes in the soil is termed as soil pollutant and the overall process of polluting of atmosphere is called soil pollution.



Causes of soil pollution:

• Domestic wastes
• Disposal wastes of industries release toward open land
• Excessive use of pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers.
• Deforestation
• Biological agents

Effects of soil pollution:

• Loss of fertility of soil
• Living and dealing in pollutant soil cause many health diseases like skin and respiratory diseases

Control of soil pollution:

• Reduces the use of pesticides and other fertilizers 
• Management of forest and control of grazing
• Don’t dispose the industrial or economic effluents on open land

3. Water pollution:

Any substance or material that create negative changes in the water is called water pollutant and the overall process of polluting of water is called air pollution.




Causes of water pollution:

• Polluted water of industries and factories is discharged d in lakes, steams and rivers
• Discharge of Detergents and washing powder houses.
• Waste water of sewage is discharged in water

Effects of water pollution:

• Algal blooms
• Eutrophication
• Lack of portable water
• Contamination of the food chains
• The polluted water causes many disease in human like diarrhea, cholera, hepatitis, dynasty etc.

Control of water pollution:

• Don’t poured the polluted water of industries and factories in the steam and river
• Detergents and washing powder should not discharged in the water
• Don’t discharge the waste water of sewage in the steams, rivers and lakes


Now Pollution has spread everywhere in the world. So for the protection of our environment we should control it by the methods discuss in this article.

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