Want to know about Biology? Here is the best platform for you.Get maximum details about biology. Here you will know definition, branches and importance of biology in all the fields of life.
The biology derives from two words “bios” means life and “logos” means proceed experiments procedures. The term that describes the process of experiments and procedures about life. Biology help in understanding the processes and metabolism take place in living organisms. With the help of biology we can aware of the processes occur in living organisms such as genetics, respiration, circulation, neurolation and many other important processes.
Branches of biology:
There are many branches of biology in which a number of them are followings;
• Microbiology
• Anatomy
• Physiology
• Paleontology
• Genetics
• Biochemistry
• Biotechnology
• Ecology
• Molecular biology
• Botany
• Zoology
• Biophysics
• Marine biology
• Parasitology.
Importance of biology:
Biology is very important.
Importance of biology in health:
• Advance biological research in medicines have cured many diseases and improved the quality of life.
Importance of biology in agriculture:
• Biology helps in understanding the behaviour and life cycles of insects causes diseases in plants.
• Biology concerns with the reproduction and mutations of plants.
Importance of biology in industry:
• The fermentation process of biology uses in industries to enable cells with the help of oxygen for the production of chemical energy by the breakdown of sugars.
• Biotechnology uses in providing tools to help in adapting biological organisms to improve and increases the quality and quantity of products.
Biology has played a very important role in health, industries, agriculture and many other processes. So we should understand the significance of biology and help in promoting the studies and learnings of biology for the best development of our country.

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